1. 本節目採實名制入場,票券持有人須隨該筆訂單之訂票人(即票券上姓名者)一同進場,並請先行遵照相關作業程序完成購票、取票事宜。
2. 此活動購票每位會員上限為4張,可選擇郵寄或採超商取票。
3. 本節目退票方案依文化部於中華民國107年5月16日文藝字第10710128232號公告修定之『藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項』第六條退換票機制訂定如下說明:本節目採用方案二,消費者個人因素退票者之時限為購買票券後3日內(不含購票日),購買票券後第4日起不接受退換票申請,請求退換票日期以郵戳寄送日為準,每張票券須收取票面金額5%退票手續費,換票視同於退票。
4. 本節目採實名制入場,訂票人本人須攜帶並出示本人身分證正本,驗證確認無誤後方可入場,如資料不符將無法入場。
I. 購票時所填之姓名僅限「繁體中文」與「英文」,外籍人士請填寫「護照姓名」,請勿使用特殊符號與字元。
II. 請攜帶有本人照片的身分證正本, 14歲以下孩童請攜帶有本人照片之健保卡、外籍人士請攜帶護照正本。
III. 訂票人本人與同筆訂單其他持票者須同時進場,恕不接受任何理由要求分開進場。
5. 本活動所收集之資料,包含姓名、電話、身分證字號等資訊,將提供主辦單位該節目入場驗證使用,並不會做其他用途,亦不會將您的個人資料和活動資料提供給無關的第三方。
6. 購票者必須以真實姓名購票及填寫有效個人資訊,依文化創意產業發展法第十條之一第五項、第六項規定:「以虛偽資料或其他不正方式,利用電腦或其他相關設備購買藝文表演票券,取得訂票或取票憑證者,處三年以下有期徒刑,或科或併科新臺幣三百萬以下罰金。預備犯前項之罪者,處一年以下有期徒刑,或科或併科新臺幣一百萬元以下罰金」,主辦單位及寬宏售票將有權利立即取消該消費者訂單。
7. 務必透過寬宏售票系統購票,於拍賣網站或是其他售票管道所購得票券者,如有任何情事發生時將無法成為主辦單位所保障之對象,主辦單位有權拒絕於拍賣網站或是其他非正式授權售票之管道購買的票券入場。為了您的權益請在寬宏售票系統購票。
8. 票券禁止轉售、交易或交換,一經查獲,該票券將視為無效票券。
9. 購票前請再詳細閱讀該節目之實名制注意事項、購票方式、取票方式、退票須知之說明。
T & C
1. This event is based on the name-based system. When arriving in groups, the lead purchaser (the name specified as the account holder on KHAM Ticketing and printed on the tickets) needs to be present in order for the whole party to enter the venue. All members of the party should enter the venue at the same time. All ticket holders shall comply with the procedures to complete the purchase and collection of tickets first.
2. The maximum number of tickets per member is 4(Four) no matter you choose to receive tickets by the register mail or pick up tickets at convenient stores.
3. The refund policy of this event is per Article Six of the "Art and Cultural Performance Ticket Standard Form Contract information that has to be recorded and information that cannot be recorded''" of Arts and Culture Act No. 10710128232 , which was amended by the Ministry of Culture on May 16, 2018, for ticket refunds and exchange mechanism.
This event is complied with Option 2 and the details are as below:
The tickets purchaser is allowed to refund tickets within 3 days after the purchase of the tickets (excluding the date of purchase). The forth day after the purchase of the tickets will not be accepted for refund or exchange, the date of request for refund or exchange is based on the date of delivery by mail, and a 5% refund handling fee of the face value of each ticket will be charged, the exchange of the ticket is considered same as the return of the ticket.
4. Tickets will be scheduled to deliver by the register mail on April 21, 2025 and will be also available for pick-up at Hi-Life and OK marts at the same time. Any changes will be announced on KHAM Ticketing.
5. In order for tickets to be valid, on arrival at the show the lead purchaser is require to provide all of the following items alongside their ticket(s):
I. When purchasing tickets and fill the name of the lead purchaser, the system only accepts “Traditional Chinese” and “English” are required. If you are not Taiwan citizens, please insert the name appeared on the passport. Special symbols and characters are not allowed.
II. Photo ID (If you are not Taiwan citizen, please bring the passport). Scan versions are not accepted. Kids below 14 should bring the NHI card with photos on it, and for foreigners please bring the passport.
III. When arriving in groups, the lead purchaser needs to be present in order for the whole party to enter the venue. All members of the party should enter the venue at the same time. No exception.
IV. If ticket holders are not able to comply, the tickets will become invalid.
6. The information collected for the event including name, telephone number and identity number is ONLY provided to the presenter for the vertification for the admission and will NOT be provided to the third-parties.
7. The ticket purchaser should provide the real name and valid personal information. According to Article 10-1, Paragraph 5 & 6 of the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Law, "Purchasing tickets for arts and cultural performances, obtaining the vertification for tickets booking or pick-up by using a computer or other related equipment with false information or by other improper way, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine of not more than NT$3,000,000 or both. Anyone who prepares to commit the previous crime shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than one year or a fine of not more than NT$1,000,000 or both". The Presenter and KHAM Ticketing shall serve the right to cancel the patron’s booking immediately.
8. Only tickets purchased through KHAM Ticketing are valid for admission. Any tickets purchased by businesses or traders in breach of the terms and conditions of ticket sale will be cancelled.
9. Your ticket/s will IMMEDIATELY BECOME INVALID if resold OR OFFERED FOR SALE. Tickets sold via third parties and other unauthorized outlets, including online auction sites, are not valid for admission. The resale of a ticket renders it invalid and may lead to refusal of entry.
10. Please read carefully all the policies including the admission method, ticket purchase ,ticket collect and ticket refund before move forward.
□ Tick the checkbox to indicate your agreement to abide by the event''s policies including the ticket purchase, pick-up, and the refund. Once you have successfully purchased a ticket, you will be deemed to have agreed to all of the above policies.
每個會員加總限購 4 張。張數限制是為了讓更多消費者有機會能夠買到票券。票券持有人須隨該筆訂單之訂票人(即票券上姓名者)一同進場。
² 任何食物與飲料,飲用水除外至觀眾席
² 過大之包包與行李箱
² 專業相機
² 錄音機
² 攝/錄影機器材
² 平板電腦與 Go-Pro
² 雷射筆
² 含桿子或長竿的標語、旗幟、橫幅、海報。標語、旗幟、橫幅、海報等任何應援物不可含特定商業及不恰當或政治內容與標誌。
² 危害公眾安全之物品
In the run up to putting a show on sale we get asked lots of questions relating to the show and ticket sales. We’ve put together this handy guide to help you navigate your way through the process. We are working hard to do everything we can to make sure that tickets only end up in the hands of genuine fans.
How can I buy tickets?
Artist and KHAM are committed to combating unethical secondary ticketing and resale.
KHAM Ticketing is the only official ticket vendor.
In preparation for on sale, we recommend that you register an account with our approved outlets KHAM Ticketing before the public sale date, details listed below:
This event is based on the name-based system. When arriving in groups, the lead purchaser (the name specified as the account holder on KHAM Ticketing and printed on the tickets) needs to be present in order for the whole party to enter the venue. All members of the party should enter the venue at the same time. All ticket holders shall comply with the procedures to complete the purchase and collection of tickets first.
Upon arrival at the show, you will then be required to present your ticket(s), Photo ID (If you are not Taiwan citizen, please bring the passport). Scan versions are not accepted and Booking confirmation email issued by KHAM Ticketing.
Do I need to fill the name of the lead purchaser specifically?
No, you do not need to fill it. We will use the name of the member automatically. However
you need to make sure the personal date you use to register as KHAM Ticketing
membership is same as your personal photo ID.
So where should I buy my ‘’face value’’ tickets from?
The official ticket agent website will be listed on tour advertising and at EdSheeran.com
KHAM Ticketing is the only official ticket vendor.
Only buy tickets from the authorised websites:
How do I arrange to buy tickets for someone requiring disabled access?
Customers who require either a carer to accompany them or disabled access to the show should visit KHAM Ticketing www.kham.com.tw
What is unethical secondary ticketing and ticket resale?
Unethical secondary ticketing is when people buy tickets at face value and then re-sell them at inflated prices via non-artist approved methods and websites, thus denying real fans the chance to buy at face value.
Ticket touts and unauthorised resellers use multiple payment cards, false identities and sophisticated computer programmes (‘bots’) to buy up large amounts of tickets which they then offer for resale at highly-inflated prices.
How many tickets can I buy?
There will be a strict limit of 4 tickets per show date per transaction. This restriction is in place in order to give as many people as possible a fair chance to buy tickets. The whole party must arrive at the same time as the person (the name specified as the account holder on KHAM Ticketing and printed on the tickets)
PLEASE NOTE that any and all transactions that are detected as bot purchases, patrons creating duplicate accounts in order to purchase more than the ticket limit or any action that indicates a suspicious purchase in excess of the ticket limit will be cancelled.
But we want to go as a bigger group/family?
You will have to try to complete another order with another account.
Can I buy tickets as a gift?
The matching ID of the surname of the lead booker will be an entry requirement, the other tickets bought by that person can be used for other people as long as they ALL arrive with the lead booker. If you want to buy as gifts then you’ll also have to attend to get your recipients into the show.
I can’t go any more and want to refund my ticket. What do I do?
The tickets purchaser is allowed to refund tickets within 3 days after the purchase of the tickets (excluding the date of purchase). The forth day after the purchase of the tickets will not be accepted for refund or exchange, the date of request for refund or exchange is based on the date of delivery by mail, and a 5% refund handling fee of the face value of each ticket will be charged, the exchange of the ticket is considered same as the return of the ticket.
The reselling of any Ed Sheeran ticket is strictly forbidden other than through the official face value resale platform of your original point of purchase platform. Any Ed Sheeran ticket offered for resale elsewhere, either on or offline (including Viagogo or any other unauthorised source including all secondary ticket retail websites), will result in the entire original booking being cancelled. The original purchaser and their party will be refused admission and any other purchases they hold will also be cancelled.
What are the age restrictions?
No age restriction but regardless the age, each person needs one single ticket to admit.
What are the entry requirements?
To gain access to the concert you are required to bring your ticket(s) and Photo ID (If you are not Taiwan citizen, please bring the passport). Scan versions are not accepted. Please do complete the process of purchasing tickets per the regulation first.
How early should we turn up?
Please check KHAM website or KHAM social media for the details such as the door opening time and do allow yourself plenty of time to get in before the start of the show.
What Prohibited Items are?
There are no lockers in the venue.
The following prohibited items are NOT permitted into the venue
² Any food and drinks to the auditorium, except water
² Noise makers including but not limited to air horn, whistle, etc.
² Flags, placards with offensive slogans or advertisements
² Large bags and suitcase
² Laser pointers
² Professional cameras / video cameras
² Fireworks / sparklers / flammable Items
² iPads / GoPro cameras / selfie sticks / monopods
² Weapons
Any other items as determined by Presenter that may cause injury, or public nuisance.
I can’t get in with my tickets and I’ve been turned away?
Don’t worry, we can try and help you. In the first instance head to the box office where someone will be able to help you work out what’s gone wrong. Remember DO NOT buy a ticket from someone you don’t know either in person on the street OR from an unauthorised secondary ticket website.